Art & Repertoire: A Look into the Year 2022

For most musicians, it is their dream to be discovered by an A&R rep, sign a huge record deal, and become well known.

What does it take to land a record deal?

You need impeccable timing, excellence at what you do, and the right people to launch a big music career.

For making a career move, there are a lot of factors to consider, but an A&R representative is one person you may need to impress.

The process of getting your chance to perform in front of a crowd of industry pros and meet A&R agents is not as complicated as you might think if you work hard and plan well.

Connecting with an A&R rep requires a lot of consideration and persistence.

Let's unpack everything you need to know about an A&R representative in this article, so you'll have a clear picture of what you can expect from them, and how you can work with them.

So, what exactly is an A&R representative?

The acronym stands for artists & repertoire. Records labels employ A&R representatives to sign new artists to their roster.

It was traditional for A&R reps to attend industry shows, local shows, and networks within local scenes to find talent for their labels.

The A&R rep was usually the only person a label could contact to discover new talent during the golden age of vinyl and radio - they were the gatekeepers of the industry in the early days.

But nowadays, the Hollywood industry is dominated by technological advances and the internet, which have changed the industry's traditional culture of smoky back rooms and whiskey-fueled A&R reps signing deals with vulnerable artists.

During the early 20th century, A&R work was very different than it is today.

Here's how A&R representatives work in 2022

The A&R representatives spent the majority of their time at festivals before the 2020 pandemic. 

The future of in-person A&R work remains unclear since shows and festivals were halted.

In addition to the pandemic, more than ever, most artists are discovered through platforms like Tik Tok and Spotify, especially those where music is easily accessible.

To reach and impress A&R reps, you need to build your social media presence and market your music online.

Maintain your presence on social media outlets such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to achieve this.

You can also come up with creative ways to promote yourself online by making a music video.

Even if you don't use social media to extend your reach, being active in your local scene, especially if you live in a big city, is important for expanding your audience.

How to meet your first A&R representative

An A&R representative requires a specific plan if you are serious about meeting him.

Your album must be completed before you approach him.

You might be able to fast-track a release for your music if you enter a conversation with a label representative with a finished release.

Perform as many live shows as possible once you have an album released.

Start establishing connections with the local music scene-go out and check out what's happening, get out there and meet people and don't be afraid to present what you're working on to them.

It probably won't take you long to get on a bill and play your first show if live shows are happening.

Play with bands that might entice new audiences and invite as many people as you can.

You could apply to play a music industry festival like SXSW after you've played a few shows and you've received some feedback.

Look up when the next big industry festival will be held near you, as there are a lot of them out there.

In these environments, you're likely to get your first experience playing in front of industry professionals.

Similarly, you can invite the label reps you know will be at the show to your showcase, if you know they will be there.

Does a record deal even matter?

We are rapidly approaching the end of the days when a record label represented an artist.

Does giving away your rights really make sense in the age of streaming platforms, digital distribution, and online audiences?

You have to consider the type of music you make, the type of label you want to sign with, as well as your personality.

However, there are so many examples of great artists whose careers have been derailed by bad record deals, and even more examples of artists who have succeeded without ever signing a record deal.

You ought to be very cautious when consulting with an A&R representative who promises to fulfill your wildest dreams and get you a major record deal.

Streaming platforms provide you with many of the tools you need to promote yourself and get your music on them.

You shouldn't lust after a big career switch but rather focus on what it was that drew you to music in the first place: the desire to write, perform, and express yourself.

Moments of importance are always bittersweet, and they don't always come to pass as expected anyway.

Don't worry about tomorrow. Just focus on today. With hard work and patience, success will come.




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