People who have been following the industry for the last few years are no longer surprised by the fact that streaming services, specifically Spotify, are integral to a successful music marketing campaign.

A good review on Pitchfork or Rolling Stone doesn't hold as much importance for a lot of artists as an official Spotify playlist. It remains a mystery for most independent musicians as to how to get their music on official playlists.

There aren't really any quick solutions unless you are one of Spotify's editorial team members or work with a major digital distribution company. The good news is, as long as you build a solid following on the platform, you may attract the attention of the editorial team, which could ultimately lead to playlisting a few weeks (or sometimes months) down the road.

You can attract attention from your larger targets by building a bit of a groundswell with lower hanging fruit, similar to how a publicist (or artist) will go after the press during the beginning of a public relations campaign.

If you're successful in implementing even a few of the initiatives listed below, you may be able to earn a place on a playlist such as Fresh Finds, Rock This or New Music Friday.


  1. The Outside World – Although Spotify playlisters often receive submissions from outside sources, they are also probably looking for new music in the same places that you are. Hence, they are music lovers just like you. 

    Boost your music's exposure through ideas like social media strategy, viral content, active press campaigns, or live performances. You can start an organic relationship with Spotify playlisters by creating opportunities for them to find you outside of Spotify. This gives you the opportunity to upload directly to them later.

  2. Playlist creators - Everyday, bloggers, brands, and individuals with great taste in music create playlists that gain a lot of attention. The fact that these playlist opportunities often have contacts is easier to find if you can get your music heard (and liked). The playlists not only help you increase your play count, but Spotify tracks how many playlists you've added as well as how many times you've favorited a song. The Spotify algorithm may notify the editorial team of your music if it is being added to a bunch of unofficial playlists, which can result in them giving you a few spins.

  3. Creating your own playlist - Accounts of verified artists can create playlists directly on their pages. Creating themed playlists is another way to share the music you're listening to, stuff that inspired your song, or stuff you're inspired by. Fans who enjoy your music might become devotees and draw attention to your own music. It is always a good idea to add your own original songs to these playlists as well!

  4. Subscribers & Listeners Counts – Spotify does include analytics with the independent playlisting section because it uses both personal taste and analytics. As you create plans for promoting your new music, consider what initiatives will increase the number of monthly listeners and subscribers. You have a much better chance of getting noticed if these numbers are trending up for you, which increases your chances of landing on people's Release Radar and Discover Weekly playlists.

  5. Follow Buttons & Spotify Links EVERYWHERE - It might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised at the number of band pages (social and website) that fail to do this. Make Spotify a priority and include links wherever possible. Has it been uploaded to YouTube as well? In the description, include a Spotify link. Do your fans utilize Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Use an Instagram story that allows fans to listen to your new music directly in the post via Spotify. You can also pin a tweet with the Spotify link to your new single to your page. Add your "follow" links to every page of your website that allows them! In a press release, on your website, or in one of your other social media channels. Remember to link them back to your Spotify page!


Putting out an album that people will actually buy
